Vincent Ricciardi
Liu Scholar | Four Year Fellowship Recipient | Public Scholar
Currently, I am interested in synthesizing our scientific knowledge to better understand the role of small-scale food producers (smallholders) in our global food system. My interests in our food system stems from growing up amongst the quaint farms in rural New England and my past on-the-ground and often community based work with farmers and the urban hungry.
For the past eight years, I was a research consultant with government ministries, NGOs, and universities throughout Southeast Asia, Ghana, and India on agricultural development issues. My work has been funded through organizations such as USAID, the World Bank, the National Science Foundation, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada. In 2014, I received an M.Sc. in Geography from the Pennsylvania State University.
When I’m not working, you can usually find me unicycling, mt. biking, cooking, or wandering the woods with my awesome partner Page and our pup Ralph.
See Vinny's website
Selected Publications
Ricciardi, V., Ramankutty, N., Mehrabi, Z., Jarvis, L., Chookolingo, B. 2018. How much of our world’s food do smallholders produce? Global Food Security. 17: 64-72.
Cohn, A., Newton, P., Gil, J., Kuhl, L., Samberg, L., Ricciardi, V., Manly, J. R., and Northrop, S. 2017. Smallholder Agriculture and Climate Change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 42(1).
Glenna, L., Borlu, Y., Gill, T., Larson, J., Ricciardi, V., and Adam, R. 2017. Food Security, Sweet Potato Production, and Distance to Trade Centers in Northern Ghana. FACETS, Submitted.
Gill, T. B., Ricciardi, V., Bates, R., James, D. 2017. Capacity Development in Agricultural Education and training in Cambodia: A SWOT Analysis. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 24(1): 34-51.
Tschakert, P., Ricciardi, V., Machado, M., Ferring, D., Smithwick, E. Hausermann, H., and Parker, E. 2016. Situated Knowledge of Pathogenic Landscapes in Ghana: Understanding the Emergence of Buruli ulcer through Qualitative Analysis. Social Science and Medicine, (150): 170-171.
Currently, I am interested in synthesizing our scientific knowledge to better understand the role of small-scale food producers (smallholders) in our global food system. My interests in our food system stems from growing up amongst the quaint farms in rural New England and my past on-the-ground and often community based work with farmers and the urban hungry.
For the past eight years, I was a research consultant with government ministries, NGOs, and universities throughout Southeast Asia, Ghana, and India on agricultural development issues. My work has been funded through organizations such as USAID, the World Bank, the National Science Foundation, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada. In 2014, I received an M.Sc. in Geography from the Pennsylvania State University.
When I’m not working, you can usually find me unicycling, mt. biking, cooking, or wandering the woods with my awesome partner Page and our pup Ralph.
See Vinny's website
Selected Publications
Ricciardi, V., Ramankutty, N., Mehrabi, Z., Jarvis, L., Chookolingo, B. 2018. How much of our world’s food do smallholders produce? Global Food Security. 17: 64-72.
Cohn, A., Newton, P., Gil, J., Kuhl, L., Samberg, L., Ricciardi, V., Manly, J. R., and Northrop, S. 2017. Smallholder Agriculture and Climate Change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 42(1).
Glenna, L., Borlu, Y., Gill, T., Larson, J., Ricciardi, V., and Adam, R. 2017. Food Security, Sweet Potato Production, and Distance to Trade Centers in Northern Ghana. FACETS, Submitted.
Gill, T. B., Ricciardi, V., Bates, R., James, D. 2017. Capacity Development in Agricultural Education and training in Cambodia: A SWOT Analysis. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 24(1): 34-51.
Tschakert, P., Ricciardi, V., Machado, M., Ferring, D., Smithwick, E. Hausermann, H., and Parker, E. 2016. Situated Knowledge of Pathogenic Landscapes in Ghana: Understanding the Emergence of Buruli ulcer through Qualitative Analysis. Social Science and Medicine, (150): 170-171.